Managing A Whiplash Injury
The Mayo Clinic defines whiplash as a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip. Whiplash is commonly caused by rear-end car accidents. But whiplash can also result from sports accidents, physical abuse, and other traumas, such as falls.

So, how do you manage a whiplash injury?
Below are suggestions on managing a whiplash injury from the doctors at Clairpointe Family Chiropractic:
Ice Not Heat
After any injury, we suggest icing for twenty minutes at least three times a day to reduce inflammation. We do not recommend using heat. Using heat packs or taking hot showers may feel good but will only increase the inflammation.
When you start care in our office, you will receive a flexible cold pack that you can use when injured. We suggest wrapping with a paper towel around the cold pack so it doesn't burn your skin.
Get Adjusted
Chiropractic adjustments can provide quick and long-term relief of inflammation and pain in the soft tissues of your neck that result from whiplash.
Whiplash injuries can cause stiffness in your cervical spine, making it difficult to move your neck, and may cause frequent headaches. Manual chiropractic adjustments of your neck will focus on restoring your range of motion.
In the first one to three days, you should rest your injury. Resting your injury will help repair the muscles and tissues, which will help your body to bounce back.
Massage Therapy
After an injury like whiplash, the muscles and tendons in the neck become stiff and ridged. Massage therapy can relax the muscles and nervous system, reduce tension and inflammation, and increase circulation and range of motion. These benefits will also enhance your chiropractic adjustments.
Clairpointe Can Help!
When a whiplash injury occurs, call our office today at (313) 886-8030 to have one of our doctors from Clairpointe Family Chiropractic examine you.
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