
Showing posts with the label Gardening

Clairpointe's Gardening Word Search🧩


🍅Garden Without Back Pain🫛

As spring approaches, gardeners look forward to getting their hands in the soil and having the warm sun on their faces. As they dig, they find many benefits when gardening, such as reducing stress and anxiety, exercising, absorbing vitamin D, and not to mention growing delicious organic fruits and vegetables. But unfortunately, along with these benefits comes the possibility of back pain and other injuries. Well, we have good news! The doctors at Clairpointe Family Chiropractic have several suggestions for you to help prevent gardening injuries. Read below nine tips for gardeners that can allow you more time in the garden by preventing an injury. 9 Tips to Prevent Gardening Injuries Tip 1: Get Adjusted! Having a chiropractic adjustment before and/or after you head into the garden will realign the spine, help prevent a possible injury, help you from aggravating a current one, and reduce any aches and pain after a hard day of moving dirt. Tip 2: Stretch Before you start gardening, re