👶Baby's First Adjustment

Chiropractic care supports and strengthens the spine and nervous system. Chiropractic care also boosts the immune system of a growing baby, creating a happy and healthy child. If traditional methods have proven to be ineffective for issues your child is having, then chiropractic care may be a viable option. There have been numerous studies and research that support the effectiveness of chiropractic care for reducing fussiness in infants, along with relieving symptoms of colic, gastroesophageal reflux, and trouble sleeping. Many children experience their first subluxations as a result of the birth process. Getting your child checked within the first week of life is important in helping to address and correct those subluxations before they become a more significant issue as they grow. Common Conditions Having your infant or child under chiropractic care can help manage, decrease, and/or possibly eliminate common conditions. Common conditions chiropractic adjustmen...