
Showing posts with the label Chiropractic Benefits

Chiropractic Care Helping with Seasonal and Chronic Allergies

Chiropractic Care Can Help With Seasonal and Chronic Allergies You may be aware that chiropractic adjustments can improve a lot of conditions, but did you know it can help manage sinusitis and seasonal allergies? Chiropractic Adjustments Your sinuses are hollow spaces within the bones of the cheeks and forehead. Sinus problems occur when mucus takes over your tissues and blocks drainage. This increased pressure, in effect, causes clogged nasal passages, swelling, and other forms of pain. Spinal manipulations of the cervical spine can promote sinus drainage, which can be the leading cause of pain and discomfort. When dealing with sinusitis and seasonal allergies, the doctors at Clairpointe Family Chiropractic first suggested getting your chiropractic adjustment.  (Note: In the video, Dr. Shoe talks about Sago C, which is no longer available. We now suggest taking Buffer Lemon C Powder as a substitute.) Managing Your Sinus Pain At Home Here are a few other tips we suggest at Clairpointe

Family Chiropractic Care

Here at Clairpointe Family Chiropractic, we encourage the whole family to be under chiropractic care. Below are reasons why we believe lifelong chiropractic care is vital for everyone!   The Birthing Process Going through the birthing process is the roughest ride you'll ever take in your whole life. A vaginal delivery and C-section have many different factors that can lead to the baby's neck and spine being twisted or compressed, leading to other health issues down the road. Ideally, babies should be checked and adjusted as soon as possible after birth to avoid undue stress during birth. After that, we advise parents to have their babies and children checked and adjusted once a month, which helps keep their immune systems strong and helps fight off colds, cases of flu, and viruses.  Athletics  Kids are playing many sports these days, which can lead to impacts and traumas on their neck and spine. Having a chiropractor check and adjust their spine will help them from developing a

Chiropractic Helping with Headaches

  Suffering From Headaches? Well, you are not alone. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that 90% of all headaches are cervicogenic or that they come from your neck being out of its normal alignment.  At Clairpointe Family Chiropractic, we can help you manage your headache and/or migraine pain!  Chiropractic Adjustments  Many people first reach for over-the-counter drugs to help their headaches or migraines, but they are merely masking the pain and not solving the underlying issue.  A natural solution to headaches is chiropractic care. A subluxation of the atlas or axis vertebrae can put pressure on your brain stem and cause headaches or migraines.  At Clairpointe Family Chiropractic, we will also work to restore the natural curve in your neck and proper alignment of the vertebrae through chiropractic adjustments and postural work. This will eliminate the interference in the nervous system and remove the cause of the headaches, not just mask the symptoms. Types of Headaches Th

👶Baby's First Adjustment

Chiropractic care supports and strengthens the spine and nervous system. Chiropractic care also boosts the immune system of a growing baby, creating a happy and healthy child. If traditional methods have proven to be ineffective for issues your child is having, then chiropractic care may be a viable option.    There have been numerous studies and research that support the effectiveness of chiropractic care for reducing fussiness in infants, along with relieving symptoms of colic, gastroesophageal reflux, and trouble sleeping.   Many children experience their first subluxations as a result of the birth process. Getting your child checked within the first week of life is important in helping to address and correct those subluxations before they become a more significant issue as they grow. Common Conditions Having your infant or child under chiropractic care can help manage, decrease, and/or possibly eliminate common conditions. Common conditions chiropractic adjustments have been found

Managing A Whiplash Injury

The Mayo Clinic defines whiplash as a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip. Whiplash is commonly caused by rear-end car accidents. But whiplash can also result from sports accidents, physical abuse, and other traumas, such as falls.       So, how do you manage a whiplash injury? Below are suggestions on managing a whiplash injury from the doctors at Clairpointe Family Chiropractic: Ice Not Heat After any injury, we suggest icing for twenty minutes at least three times a day to reduce inflammation. We do not recommend using heat. Using heat packs or taking hot showers may feel good but will only increase the inflammation. When you start care in our office, you will receive a flexible cold pack that you can use when injured. We suggest wrapping with a paper towel around the cold pack so it doesn't burn your skin. Get Adjusted Chiropractic adjustments can provide quick and long-term relief of inflammation and pain in the s

Cleanse, Detoxify, and Replenish Your Digestive System

  Digestive Health D ealing with gastrointestinal issues, such as indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease, bloating, gas, general abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea, can sometimes feel defeating. It can deplete your body of nutrients and drain your energy. Here at Clairpointe Family Chiropractic, we believe regular chiropractic care and nutritional supplements will improve and can help eliminate your digestive pain. Chiropractic Care Y ou may be familiar with a chiropractor helping you with your neck and back pain, but did you know they can also help you with your gastrointestinal issues?   The thoracic region of your spine is responsible for controlling digestion. Having a chiropractor adjust this region has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body and promote healing. A subluxation (misalignment) of certain parts of the thoracic spine has also been shown to prevent proper digestion. Along with possible spinal subluxations, the doctors will also check

Healing Knee Pain with Chiropractic

Knee Pain Not only will knee pain prevent you from doing your normal day-to-day activities, but it can also throw the rest of your body’s alignment off. Our ankles, knees, and hips are kinetic chains where one can affect the others.       Adjusting Knees Did you know that the knees can get subluxated just like your spine?  The doctors can adjust your knee to correct any misalignments. A simple misstep or stumble can be enough to subluxate your lower extremities or pelvis, which will affect the rest of your spine. With any acute pain, start with icing, and at your next adjustment, bring it to the doctor's attention. The doctors may also suggest taking Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondro-Flx, and/or CollaGEN supplements to help the soft tissues heal.  Foot Levelers A poor foundation can lead to knee pain, so the next time you have knee pain, look at your shoes. Your shoes may look good on the outside, but the soles can wear out sooner than the tread.  As part of your first new patient appoi

Kids Need Chiropractic Care too!

The Birthing Process Going through the birth canal or being born cesarean is one of the roughest rides you'll ever take in your whole life.  The spine gets compressed, then it gets twisted and pulled. Sometimes, those vertebrae will push on those delicate nerves and can cause all kinds of health concerns. This is where chiropractic care can help. Gently realigning the spine and removing any possible subluxations will open up communication between the nerves and the body.   Symptoms Infants and children with spinal subluxations can experience issues with reflux, colic, earaches, bedwetting, and more.  Those things can all be helped with chiropractic care. Chiropractic Care At Clairpointe Family Chiropractic, our chiropractors specialize in adjusting infants and children with gentle chiropractic adjustments. We are able to remove any interference in your baby or child's spine to allow optimal health. Benefits of Chiropractic Care Here are the benefits of children and infants bein