
Healing Knee Pain with Chiropractic

Knee Pain Not only will knee pain prevent you from doing your normal day-to-day activities, but it can also throw the rest of your body’s alignment off. Our ankles, knees, and hips are kinetic chains where one can affect the others.       Adjusting Knees Did you know that the knees can get subluxated just like your spine?  The doctors can adjust your knee to correct any misalignments. A simple misstep or stumble can be enough to subluxate your lower extremities or pelvis, which will affect the rest of your spine. With any acute pain, start with icing, and at your next adjustment, bring it to the doctor's attention. The doctors may also suggest taking Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondro-Flx, and/or CollaGEN supplements to help the soft tissues heal.  Foot Levelers A poor foundation can lead to knee pain, so the next time you have knee pain, look at your shoes. Your shoes may look good on the outside, but the soles can wear out sooner than the tread.  As part of your first new patient appoi

Kids Need Chiropractic Care too!

The Birthing Process Going through the birth canal or being born cesarean is one of the roughest rides you'll ever take in your whole life.  The spine gets compressed, then it gets twisted and pulled. Sometimes, those vertebrae will push on those delicate nerves and can cause all kinds of health concerns. This is where chiropractic care can help. Gently realigning the spine and removing any possible subluxations will open up communication between the nerves and the body.   Symptoms Infants and children with spinal subluxations can experience issues with reflux, colic, earaches, bedwetting, and more.  Those things can all be helped with chiropractic care. Chiropractic Care At Clairpointe Family Chiropractic, our chiropractors specialize in adjusting infants and children with gentle chiropractic adjustments. We are able to remove any interference in your baby or child's spine to allow optimal health. Benefits of Chiropractic Care Here are the benefits of children and infants bein

The Safety Pin Method

One of the simplest ways to understand chiropractic care is to look at a safety pin.  The large end represents your brain, and the smaller end represents a body part (i.e., your stomach or lungs).  The thin piece of metal represents the messages going from the brain. The other thin piece of metal represents the message from your body back to the brain. We all know that the brain communicates with every part of the body. As long as that message gets through freely, that body part will work.  There's A Problem With Safety Pins Even though the safety pins can hold a lot, they occasionally open up. When that happens, there is a disconnect within your body and possible pai n. Your nervous system works a lot like that safety pin. As long as the connection is intact, the brain controls and coordinates every function in the body. Unfortunately, like that safety pin, that message can be broken or interrupted.         In our bodies, the loss of that full connection can be devastating. This l

What Are Chelated Minerals?

  The human body uses trace minerals (iron, magnesium, and calcium, to name just a few) to convert food into energy used for thousands of processes essential to life. The body cannot produce trace minerals by itself. It is best to get minerals from fresh, homegrown, vine-ripened fruits and vegetables, but it is virtually impossible to get enough minerals from these sources. As a result, researchers have found that the process of chelation, whereby amino acids are attached to the minerals, makes them far more absorbable and thus available for the body to utilize. Ortho Molecular Products has created a chelation process for all their minerals sold under the "Reacted" label. These chelated minerals are easier to absorb and easier on your digestive system. The majority of unchelated minerals you consume are merely passing through your system.         Watch Liz from Ortho Molecular Products talk about the importance of chelated minerals in our video below. Become A Patient 📞 Inte

Stretch Before You Play

       Stretching before a sport will help promote proper circulation, improve coordination and flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and prevent muscle strain. Without proper stretching, tissues may shorten over time and become fatigued, creating an opportunity for injury.        Dr. Nathan Blackwell has been playing baseball since he was five years old and has been weightlifting since he was 16 years old. Over the years, Dr. Nathan has noticed the positive effects of a 15-minute stretching routine pre and post-practice or exercise, which has been great for limiting soreness and maximizing performance throughout the years.   At Clairpointe Family Chiropractic, we have a great book we refer to titled "Stretching," written by Bob Anderson. Each page has specific stretches for all types of sports. Below are some of the top sports our patients play, and these are the stretches we recommend using from the book. By clicking on the sports photos below, you can print off the appropria

👋Welcome to Clairpointe's New Bog!

  Welcome to Clairpointe's new blog! We look forward to sharing information about the benefits of chiropractic care, symptoms chiropractic care can help with, Pharmaceutical-grade supplements, and more with our readers. We hope that our blog will be a place where people will come to learn how chiropractic care can help reduce pain, enhance your and your family's health, and learn natural ways to heal. Our blog will also have articles on topics such as sciatica, whiplash, plantar fasciitis, TMJ, migraine and headache relief, sports injuries, joint pain, and many more.  As we continue to build our blog, we’ll also create content related to upcoming events at Clairpointe so our readers will always have access to timely information. We invite you to subscribe to our blog, bookmark us, and/or sign up for our quarterly newsletter, which will list all of the blog topics we cover. We look forward to teaching you about the benefits of chiropractic care and hope you learn something new t